The economic results of human work are not subject to distributions and divisions, as the already worn expression of the digital economy proclaims so much. Its mobile phone number list profits are rarely distributed in a democratic way. After all, in the capitalist mode of production, everything is reduced to merchandise; As mobile phone number list Karl Marx warned us, nothing escapes the commodity form, not even the property destined for its use.
The computational mathematics of these technological structures therefore defies legal codification and establishes a relationship of blind mobile phone number list subordination of work to capital, exponentially deepening the typical alienation of the capitalist mode of production and the distances between North and South. The imposition of this horizon is also based on the fact that the source codes find protection in the legal codes as a mobile phone number list specter of capital, normally hidden by means of industrial secrecy, under cover of reasons of protection against competition.
Specialists in technological areas affirm, even so, that there are no great mobile phone number list technological secrets in the applications and that these can be reproduced with relative ease through reverse computational engineering techniques,