The purpose of a website briefing is to create a China Phone Number List level playing field. You make clear what you need, what style you have in mind, but also what the lead time and budget is. The ball is now in the court of various internet agencies, each of which can come up with a proposal. This proposal is then further explained in a pitch. From website China Phone Number List briefing to pitch The era in which clients sent briefing documents in thick envelopes is far behind us. Such a website briefing has been sent as a PDF document to a shortlist of internet China Phone Number List agencies by e-mail for years. So nothing changes in that process.
However, the pitch that follows China Phone Number List does change. Before corona, a physical presence was the norm. In the one-and-a-half-meter society, that is all a bit more difficult. Still, it is nice to meet in person with a team with whom you may enter into a long-term collaboration. If you opt for a physical meeting, think of the possibility to keep sufficient distance and good China Phone Number List ventilation. Of course, a face-to-face meeting may not be possible, as everyone's levels of anxiety and caution are different. Make sure the pitch requirements are clearly stated in the China Phone Number List briefing. What is the location and what hygiene measures are taken? Is there a possibility to join digitally, and through which software?
So think about different scenarios, to China Phone Number List avoid questions. This is how you make the digital agency presentation run smoothly Whether you choose Google Meet, Microsoft Teams or Zoom, there are some things to keep in mind China Phone Number List if you want a smooth, digital presentation. A quiet environment and a good connection are logical preconditions, as is switching off the microphone when you are not talking. But there are China Phone Number List also matters that specifically apply to the presentation of an internet agency.