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Beautifully Disciplined

I was up late one night finishing up the final preparations for the re-launch of Myriad. I decided to take a break and started scrolling through Tik Tok. I came across this video of these women running. It was so mesmerizing that I replayed the video several times. I watched the first sister's stride, her power, and determination. As she approached the second sister, what intrigued me most at the handing of the baton, was that the sister reaching back for the baton to be passed to her never once turned her head, she did not look behind to see if the other sister was there. She was focused and as she gracefully, with full assurance reached back to grab the baton, she continued to keep her stride and unbroken focus.

This was only a 15 second clip and though I didn't get to see the end of the race, I wouldn't be surprised to find that this team won.

I started to think about our races in life and it reminded me of 1 Corinthians 9:24-27. I won't write the entire scripture here but please take some time and read that entire chapter. It speaks to us being temperate in all things as we strive toward mastery. Temperance or self-discipline is required in every area of our lives.

As business owners, and most particularly new start ups, it is our focus, diligence, consistency, persistence and resilience that are the expressions in a winning equation. Having a clear vision fleshed out by a business coach who helps you put together the strategy needed to win, is vital. This clarity lends itself to our ability to stay focused. It enables us to delegate effectively and have those running with our vision to do so with certainty and as 1 Corinthians 9:26 (paraphrased) states, "not as one that beateth the air."

In fact, as your own boss and business owner, it requires more deliberate and intentional focus and planning to achieve success. We must prepare ourselves daily for success. We must practice focusing and start our day with prayer and declarations. Meditation is key, but only on the Word of God which is stocked full of guidance for the entrepreneur. Exercising our bodies and getting the blood flowing throughout and awakening the creativity and gifts within. It is during my morning walks that God downloads the most amazing ideas. It is my time and opportunity to share my thoughts and plans with Him, realigning as needed to ensure I stay completely in His will for my business.

Some may read this and think, goodness, what does God have to do with business; why all the "spiritual" talk. Truth be told, the life coaches, motivational speakers and successful business owners have simply taken Godly principles and worked them. YOU just think they are "business strategies". Why wouldn't the One who gave us power (ability) to get wealth also have the blue print to follow?

Whether you agree or not, success has a definitive posture and behavior. The women in the video exhibited characteristics indicative of a winner. That level of confidence, unbroken focus and grace came at a price--the part we didn't see. And though we didn't see who crossed the finish line, what we do know is that they were definitely running to obtain the trophy!

I'm checking my posture and aligning my behavior and deliberate and intentional so that I, too, am running to obtain. How about you?

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