Trump Co say that the Democrats took advantage of Covid to change the election rules to their advantage. That story can also be found out there. Purely empirically, regardless of what the Democrats were up to, it does not seem that the results can be doubted. Recently, I have seen large data sets of American elections that show that higher participation, more open access to voting or requirements for identity cards for voters have affected the results dramatically, either in favor of any party or in favor of any racial group. Having said all this, it is nevertheless clear that it is serious that so many people seem to believe in the idea of stolen elections.
Also note that was the second election in a row where the suspicion of illegitimacy hung over the result for a long time. I am thinking of the election in where the suspicion of Russian interference cast a shadow over the result. Will the Republicans succeed in changing the electoral laws whatsapp mobile number list regionally and in that way gain better control of the result DM. All over the country, republican state assemblies are tempted to change the law to their own advantage, as long as it is legal and politically palatable for people. Whether this will have any impact is another matter.
Probably not, although in see saw states like Georgia even small changes can conceivably play a role. But don t forget the data I quoted above. Changes such as the wrong identity card etc. do not affect the results. The Democratic Party is split between a moderate and a progressive wing. Will they tear each other apart DM. No, they don t want that. The Democrats will have to adapt to internal tensions that everyone has to at some point. They will always have a moderate and a progressive wing. Nothing new there. Remember, the decisive way to win an election in the USA is the primary election at local, state and national level.