In fact, as long as you are on the product road, you should not try to escape difficulties. Problems are the norm, and the more you develop, the more so. job function email list Therefore, we are primary school students, treat our work as a school, sink our hearts to study, and quickly build a system of ability to solve complex problems. Therefore, it is not terrible for Party job function email list A to argue, and how to make decisions and execute is the test for the product manager.
According to the experience of classmate job function email list Jing being frequently sacrificed by Party A, it is still generally possible to improve your product capabilities in the face of such a dilemma. You understand that the product capabilities mentioned here include both professional skills and coordination and communication skills. Of course, after you have job function email list carefully summarized and analyzed, if the business environment factors are too bad,
I suggest you stop your losses and jump out immediately, so as not to be dragged down by the environment. In fact, as long as we are on the job function email list road, we will inevitably encounter various problems. The key is to find a suitable job function email list way for us to solve the problems on the way. Inamori Kazuo wrote in "Living Method": Successful companies have their own recipes. Product managers, too. When you encounter a problem, sort it out calmly, and let the bullet fly for a while before making a decision. #Columnist# Product Grand Canyon, official account: