Depending on your situation, communication from SEO to developers can range from feeling like you're always walking on eggshells and being very careful not to tread on ego or Industry Email List territory, to another extreme where you feel outright frustration. , even if you insist on the importance of a need for change, it seems desperate, as if you Industry Email List were shouting into the void. How can you better deal with personality issues? There are things you can do to increase your chances of success,
Or avoid common pitfalls, and getting this information to you was the goal of our discussion with the first part of our first session. Anthony and Katie Industry Email List shared how, starting from a dark perspective, they eventually found success Industry Email List partnering with developers, or just succeeding anyway. You can hear how the two went out of their way to try to be persuasive using everything from homemade cupcakes to bottles of vodka. Although these are often cited as useful tactics,
In practice these ideas have not worked for them. Major Site Changes During a major site change, more than one aspect of a technology stack may Industry Email List change in a short period of time. When you have a correlated traffic loss, you can associate a drop with the incident and a particular aspect of the technology at that point. This is when technical SEO skills and knowledge of the problem can come to a crossroads where you need to relay your findings Industry Email List to developers who might disagree with you on the way forward.